Let's start from the beginning. My name is Lilly, I'm a "PUPPY MILL' Rescue!! Living in a puppy mill is not an easy life. No one can tell me my real age. I'm anywhere between 4 and 7 years old...and weigh only 2.5lbs, I'm very small. Any way I think I'm getting ahead of myself.
I was probably born at the mill and at 5 weeks old or as soon as I started eating on my own I was taken away from my mom. At that time I was put into a tiny cage to live out my time..The only human contact I had was when I was fed and that may not have been everyday...When I was old enough to have babies I would have a male thrown in with me until the humans thought I was with puppies, then they would remove the male and I would be alone again...When It was time for me to have my puppies I wasn't allowed to give birth naturally instead the humans would take me from my cage bring me to a dirty cold room and without anesthesia maybe just a local if I was lucky they would take the babies from my tummy and stitch me up with dental floss....Now understand There was never a dogtor present when this was happening.
As a mill pup we never seen a dogtor or a groomer....for example at some point in my life my little paw got caught in the bottom grate of my cage and it resulted in a very bad break...No one cared!!! Never had it tended to...Now my front right paw is badly deformed....but I do ok with it. All the dogtors say there is no need for amputation at this time...
As a mill pup we live in our own waste for weeks on end...we don't have warm clean bedding...we don't have someone to love us...and many of us will die before we are saved....
Now for some good news!! Thanks to the St. Louis Humane Society and all their efforts they helped bust 3 puppy mills in 3 months.....I was rescued on February 13, 2009...I was a mess.
Keep in mind I'm a Yorkshire Terrier...My hair grows very long if groomed properly if not I'm one big matted mess....Well, I was one big matted mess.....so first things first They had to shave me....Then I got to see a dogtor....Had x-rays of my foot....I was spayed so I can't have anymore puppies....I had to have all but 2 teeth pulled....and then I had to wait in a cage some more until I was released by the state for adoption.....At least these humans were nice we were talked to, pet, got to go outside to potty and play...Wow Play I never did that before!! Things were looking up!
Now in comes my new mommy and daddy....My new humans already had two rescue Yorkies of their own and my mommy is a veterinarian emergency technician....She also belongs to a Yorkie Rescue group and has failed fostering 101 several times.....Anyway, I was very scared when I was first brought home..It was so over whelming for such a little girl as myself...When we first walked into the house the other two yorkies were barking up a storm..WOW were they loud...Then I met my new daddy I was afraid of him for several weeks...but now I sleep on his pillow at night with him...sometimes he gives me the whole thing...
Ok Lets see where was I...Oh Yes my new home....The first full day I was at my new home I had to go to the dogtor again....my new mommy wanted a second opinion on my health status and to fix any problems that I may have had....All was good except for a case of leather ear...The dogtor told my new mommy that I would never have hair on my ears like all her other yorkies....Well she put some stinky stuff on my ears and I now have hair...My mommy said She will post some of her remedies on here also but she wants me to get my story out first.....After the dogtor we went home and I had to get a bath "yuck" mommy said I smelled like the bad place...now I smell like green apples...After my bath I was given toys a bed some blankets and a nice warm lap I spend most my time on....It is now a good life...I am no longer a baby maker I am now someones baby...
I was probably born at the mill and at 5 weeks old or as soon as I started eating on my own I was taken away from my mom. At that time I was put into a tiny cage to live out my time..The only human contact I had was when I was fed and that may not have been everyday...When I was old enough to have babies I would have a male thrown in with me until the humans thought I was with puppies, then they would remove the male and I would be alone again...When It was time for me to have my puppies I wasn't allowed to give birth naturally instead the humans would take me from my cage bring me to a dirty cold room and without anesthesia maybe just a local if I was lucky they would take the babies from my tummy and stitch me up with dental floss....Now understand There was never a dogtor present when this was happening.
As a mill pup we never seen a dogtor or a groomer....for example at some point in my life my little paw got caught in the bottom grate of my cage and it resulted in a very bad break...No one cared!!! Never had it tended to...Now my front right paw is badly deformed....but I do ok with it. All the dogtors say there is no need for amputation at this time...
As a mill pup we live in our own waste for weeks on end...we don't have warm clean bedding...we don't have someone to love us...and many of us will die before we are saved....
Now for some good news!! Thanks to the St. Louis Humane Society and all their efforts they helped bust 3 puppy mills in 3 months.....I was rescued on February 13, 2009...I was a mess.
Keep in mind I'm a Yorkshire Terrier...My hair grows very long if groomed properly if not I'm one big matted mess....Well, I was one big matted mess.....so first things first They had to shave me....Then I got to see a dogtor....Had x-rays of my foot....I was spayed so I can't have anymore puppies....I had to have all but 2 teeth pulled....and then I had to wait in a cage some more until I was released by the state for adoption.....At least these humans were nice we were talked to, pet, got to go outside to potty and play...Wow Play I never did that before!! Things were looking up!
Now in comes my new mommy and daddy....My new humans already had two rescue Yorkies of their own and my mommy is a veterinarian emergency technician....She also belongs to a Yorkie Rescue group and has failed fostering 101 several times.....Anyway, I was very scared when I was first brought home..It was so over whelming for such a little girl as myself...When we first walked into the house the other two yorkies were barking up a storm..WOW were they loud...Then I met my new daddy I was afraid of him for several weeks...but now I sleep on his pillow at night with him...sometimes he gives me the whole thing...
Ok Lets see where was I...Oh Yes my new home....The first full day I was at my new home I had to go to the dogtor again....my new mommy wanted a second opinion on my health status and to fix any problems that I may have had....All was good except for a case of leather ear...The dogtor told my new mommy that I would never have hair on my ears like all her other yorkies....Well she put some stinky stuff on my ears and I now have hair...My mommy said She will post some of her remedies on here also but she wants me to get my story out first.....After the dogtor we went home and I had to get a bath "yuck" mommy said I smelled like the bad place...now I smell like green apples...After my bath I was given toys a bed some blankets and a nice warm lap I spend most my time on....It is now a good life...I am no longer a baby maker I am now someones baby...
Just remember not all rescue pups have the luck I do some have to be euthanized because they are in such bad health....or they never make it to be rescued...
I'm going to end here for now...but stay tuned for more updates on me and other rescue efforts, We will also be posting grooming and other tips...Questions are always welcome...
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