Friday, August 7, 2009

Leather Ear

Leather Ear is considered a fungus that causes the ears of dogs and cats become hairless and apear as slick black leather...I have found a remady for this though it may not work in every situation but is completly save...

Take apple cider vinager and hydrogen peroxide mix it 50/50 in small amounts...clean out side of ears with solution every day with cotton ball...Then take Lotramin a foot fungus cream and lightly apply to outside of ears...this is to be done every other day for 1 -2 weeks. If....

While cleaning with the vinager and peroxide mixture you will see the black fungus being removed on your cotton ball....

If redness or irritation is noted discontinue the Lotramin...(use only the regular stregnth).

I've used this method on several rescues with great success...


  1. I used colloidal silver gel and my dogs cleared up in a week


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